Friday, December 24, 2010

Midnight Petition

Lord, help me know and experience your perfect love. May your perfect love cast out fear in me so that in turn I am free to love others with a love that dispels fear.

Please keep my heart from hardening. May I always maintain an emotional availability towards all that I meet. I ask God help us stay rooted in Your unfailing, unconditional love so that we are free to love others no matter how they respond.

May your perfect love cast out fear.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December 21, 2010

I am realizing how potent sin is. All is takes is five little words to cut to the heart, sink a soul, gauge out a deep black pit into the stomach, deaden the appetite. Sin destroys and wounds and severs and dismantles and infects and pollutes and corrupts and is just so destructive. It makes me want to change and guard every word and mentality that comes out of me.

Thank God for forgiveness and grace. I want to be able to maintain that refreshing perspective of choosing to see people as the new creations that God declares that they are, instead of perceiving them based on the ways I have been hurt in the past. It makes me wonder if faith, if renewing your mind, having the mind of Christ, is an active, daily choice to perceive and treat people based on what God has declared them to be, which is forgiven, instead of clinging to pain and then acting out of fear or self-defense.

That ends my rather serious musing of the evening. Thanks for reading, perhaps more to come.